
Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year !

Hope you are doing well! 

How is your reading coming along? Are you ready to get together? 

Please let me know what your schedule looks like so we can determine our official first book club meeting.

Looking forward to seeing you!
~ marisol


AnnEstella said...

Any week night is okay with me except for week of Jan. 25th

Jessica said...

Right now I am fairly open. I think the third or fourth week of January will be best. I just finished the book yesterday! Yay! So I'm ready...already got my bottle of wine picked out! ;)

Unknown said...

Sounds great. Maybe we can target the 20th?

Lana said...

Loving the blog chat! Jess loved your delicious description of your book store experience. Did you read Half Broke Horses on your Kindle??

I can't do the 20th because I'm returning from a work trip that night... the next week would work, or even the weekend after the 20th? Maybe we could have Book Club brunch??


Unknown said...

Hello, Would Thursday the 13 work?

Lana said...

I'll be out of town that week too.. sorry. My January is kind of crazy!

AnnEstella said...

Did we decide on a date for January? Looks like my travel is moved to February now.