
Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Book Club and a fashion show??

Hey Book Club Ladies!

I have been laughing my bossypants off at our latest book!

On July 28th, coinciding with our book club meeting, there is a champagne tasting and Anthropologie fashion show with Grace Askew playing at the Dixon from 6 to 8. This sounded like something every one of us might be interested in attending, so I was wondering if you guys might like to go! I was thinking we could have book club at the Dixon during the champagne tasting part or have book club after this event. Would you guys be interested in this at all, or would you prefer to just keep it as it is? Just throwing out an idea!




Unknown said...

This idea sounds great! I am up for it. BUT I will go with the majority vote.

Jessica said...

By the way, I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed the Dixon fashion show! Great idea Lana. I like our book club's extracurricular activities! :)

Unknown said...

Me too! Let's do it again.